Thursday, May 13, 2010

Knick Knack Box

I learned how to make a knick knack box from an origami book called Origami on the Go. It takes about 5-10 minutes to make this box. You can put jewelery, rocks or coins in it. I've made about 20 knick knack boxes in my life.


  1. That is amazing. My origami never works out right. I am all thumbs. Would you make me a Knick Knack box someday?
    Love you Aunt Becky

  2. I will try to make you a knick knack box if we visit you or if you visit us. Love, Frankie

  3. Frankie I think that is so awsome. could you make me 1. your beach buddy Karl!!!

  4. Get the metal detector out of my face.Of course I can make you one.....
