Thursday, May 13, 2010

Floating Sampan

A sampan is a flat bottom small wooden Chinese boat. To make a sampan it takes about 5 - 10 minutes. I learned how to make one from my talented art teacher Ms. Hasmig Brewster. I can make one now by memory. Yes, it really floats for a few minutes because it is really thick at the bottom. Depending on how thick the paper is, the longer it can float.


  1. Wow. It is amazing that a piece of paper can float. How did you do that, Frankie?

    I love your blog. You are a very good origami maker.

  2. thanks,but it's not fully and i were going to tell how to make different things.we'll tell you when it is fully completed and we will hope you will like the rest of the website. love,Frankie Durio

  3. Frankie that is very cool. you could be on the next TTI

  4. Thanks, but do you know what the TTI is?
