Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Box Number 2

This box is so easy. Anyone can make it with ease. It takes only 3 minutes to make it.


This was the fourth to most hardest thing I've made. It took me 3 months to learn how to make it. Now it is one of the easiest things I can make.


This was even harder to make than the ornament. It took me 4 months to learn how to make it. Now it takes me 10 minutes to make one.


This was one of the hardest things I've ever made, and it took me 6 sheets of paper . Now, it's pretty easy to make because the more times you make it the easier it gets.


This giraffe took me a while to make. I think that if you make it, it will take you 10 minutes.


This is going to be pretty easy to make. It is one of the most easiest things I've ever made. I think it will be easy for you to make.


This is a zebra I made from an origami packet I bought at the Audubon Zoo.